Moclín Weather December Averages, Spain

Race conditions

The weather is typically warm and sunny at the end of December in Granada. Afternoon daytime temperatures can top 20C. Temperatures at night and in the early morning can go below freezing. Race participants are advised to prepare for this wide temperature contrast. There can occasionally be rain at this time of year. The race route is free-draining in most areas. Sunrise is around 7.45am and sunset around 6.00pm. The highest point of the race is just under 1,600m altitude. We will keep Ibex Multi-Day entrants updated on weather and ground conditions in the lead up to the race, through social media. 

About Moclin 

The white-washed village of Moclin sits atop a mountain in the province of Granada, Andalucia, Spain. With the distant snow-capped Sierra Nevada to the east, Moclin is at an altitude of around 1,000m. An important historical site, the ruined castle was of strategic importance during the Catholic conquest, and ultimately led to the fall of the Moorish empire on mainland Spain. The Ibex Multi-Day passes several sites of cultural and historical significance, including Neolithic cave paintings and Roman villas.